Tamás Hajas

Folkisch—a rock riff

I enjoy playing with melodies and experimenting to see where they can take me.

The latest result of this creative journey is Folkisch. At just 16 seconds long, it’s probably faster to listen to than to read this blog post about it! 😄

Interesting Points and Lessons Learned

The melody was initially born in the “box” between the 9th and 12th frets, without any tricks. However, through experimentation, I discovered it sounded much better when played starting on higher strings but in a lower position. I also found that adding a bit of tapping enhanced the overall feel.

Initially, the riff had no breaks or pauses. Later, during the arrangement process, I explored these possibilities and found that doubling the length of the bending break and slightly disrupting the rhythm added an interesting twist.

At first, I instinctively slid down the neck instead of pausing before the closing chord—it just felt natural. But I quickly realized that the pause worked much better, which led to the challenge of unlearning the slide and perfecting the pause instead.

I initially believed that the two “double stops” right before the (later added) bend would be the standout moment. However, after repeated listens, I realized they aren’t as noticeable as I had expected.

The title “Folkisch” is a nod to Frigyes Karinthy’s playful word “népiesch.” I chose this name because I originally envisioned a violin part alongside the guitar. I experimented with various violin plugins but couldn’t find one that worked musically or technically, so I opted for a synthesizer part instead. (Didn’t notice the synth? Listen again! 😉)

The drum track comes directly from Guitar Pro 8. As usual, I notated the idea and started arranging the piece in Guitar Pro. Interestingly, the GP drum sound blended better with the overall composition than my drum plugin in Reaper. I plan to tweak the plugin until I achieve a similar sound—a great learning opportunity!

Recording and listening back proved invaluable again. This process helped me notice that I was playing the beginning of the riff carelessly: the eighth notes following the opening sixteenth notes were shorter than they should have been. After catching this mistake, I made sure to play it more precisely.

Finally, having a mentor always comes in handy! Once I finished, I showed my work to Tamás Jónás, who gave me some minor suggestions for improvement along with words of praise!


  • Guitar: Music Man Silhouette
  • Guitar Sound: Headrush MX5 multi-effect, using the Glorious (Morning Glory) drive pedal, Soldano SLO-100 amplifier, and Mesa Boogie IR
  • Bass: Modo Bass ’60s P-Bass plugin
  • Synth: Arturia Analog Lab plugin, Funky Finger preset
  • Drums: Guitar Pro drum sound
  • DAW: Reaper

Closing Words

If you haven’t listened to it yet, here’s your chance: Folkisch!

The sheet music (TAB) for the piece is available here: https://ko-fi.com/s/b625ab12b6

Thank you for your interest!


#guitar #tab #composition #home studio #Szólómánia

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