Lessons learned building a site with Gridsome

2020. Jan. 30. · 4 min read
Gridsome has nice documentation and it is easy to start using it. But I experienced some things which were not obvious to me or I feel good to emphasize. So I thought it worth to share them.

I became a Certified Front End Specialist!

2019. Dec. 12. · 1 min read
It was a long-standing desire for me to take the Acquia front-end exam. And today I visited a testing centre and I successfully passed the exam!

DrupalCon Minneapolis 2020 session proposals

2019. Dec. 4. · 1 min read
First time ever I proposed sessions to a DrupalCon held in the USA. Both of them are about new ways of creating front-end for Drupal.

JavaScript is Coming to Eat You

2019. Nov. 21. · 1 min read
I’ve just watched the video of Tim Broeker’s excellent talk from BADCamp 2019. And I think everyone who creates classic Drupal sites should see it!

Kanóc könyvek

2019. May. 23. · 1 min read
Kamaszkoromban olvastam Padisák Mihály Miska bácsi Kanóc könyveit. Most saját (kis)kamasz gyermekeimnek ajánlottam őket. Aztán az lett a vége, hogy én is újraolvastam mindhármat.

Let's groove!

2019. May. 3. · 1 min read
“Pass the Baton” by Paul Hindmarsh is ideal for that! It's so cool that I’ve just transcribed it so it can be practiced and learned. (Warning! It is not so easy as it seems to be when listening the first time. 🧐)
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