Hello Astro!
I've been planning this for a long time. I started several times but never finished... until now! Finally, the time has come: I've rebuilt my blog using Astro! 🤘
I've been planning this for a long time. I started several times but never finished... until now! Finally, the time has come: I've rebuilt my blog using Astro! 🤘
You’ve rebuilt a site, and the new code resides in a new Git repository. Both the old and the new versions are hosted on Netlify, and the domain is also managed there. How can you move the domain to the new site? It’s quite simple—once you know how!
A Guitars for C.A.T. hangszerkereskedés is versenyt hirdetett nemrégiben. Én pedig neveztem.
„Üvöltsön, akinek tetszik a zaj!”
Kitaláltam egy pofonegyszerű játékot: fel kell ismerni egy dalt a gitárszólója alapján.