Display one level only of a multi-level menu in Drupal
Task: display the third level menu items of a four levels menu separately, without their children. Should be easy to set it using the admin UI of Drupal, right? Nowadays not, unfortunately!
Task: display the third level menu items of a four levels menu separately, without their children. Should be easy to set it using the admin UI of Drupal, right? Nowadays not, unfortunately!
You can easily run into a PHP memory limit problem eg. by using Composer to get the code of Drupal (or a Drupal module).
It was a long-standing desire for me to take the Acquia front-end exam. And today I visited a testing centre and I successfully passed the exam!
You can read below – kind of – a transcript of the presentation I gave at Drupal Developer Days, Szeged 2014.
Összegyűjtöttem, milyen lehetőségek adódnak a Drupal kereső által adott találati lista elemeinek testreszabására.