Already Over – Mike Shinoda's music game

I found an exciting, creative musical game the other day: Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park) recorded his song "Already Over" live in several locations with several different occasional bands.

YouTube screenshot about the studio in Los Angeles, with Mateus Asato in the foreground.

Each time, the events were filmed by a professional crew and published on YouTube:

The temporary bands were recruited from musicians who could be found to like Linkin Park’s music based on their social media / YouTube channel. Understandably, at first, they all thought that the invitation to play music with Mike was fake – but in this case it was not a scam! According to the official videos and the participants’ reports, the studio days were spent in a great atmosphere.

Of course, the versions of the song produced in this way are also great! I think it’s interesting to compare the studio version and the live recordings. Although neither band has changed the song, the difference in sound and effect is significant.

On the one hand, the different formations do not play the same thing from one note to another and the work of the sound engineer significantly influences the final result!

I especially like the sound with an octaver that Mateus Asato (member of the Los Angeles team) chose for the guitar solo. And overall, the version made in the City of angels became my favourite (including the studio version). Which one is for you? And what do you think of Mike Shinoda’s idea?

The Hungarian band

I toyed with the idea of who I would choose if I could assemble the Hungarian band for Mike. Two teams come out of the roster, because I couldn’t decide, just in case someone doesn’t make it… 😉 Here it is:

  • Solo guitar: Gábor Madarász “Madi” or Róbert Hrutka
  • Vocals and rhythm guitar: Gábor Heincz “Biga”
  • Vocals: Kowalsky
  • Rhythm guitar: Ádám Nagy
  • Keyboard: Erik Tempfli or Dániel Szebényi
  • Bass guitar: Roland Takács “Kanóc” or Bertalan Temesi
  • Dob: Dániel Gerendás or Tamás Tóth

The location could be the Tom-Tom Studio or the SuperSize Recording.


#music #game #studio #guitar

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Already Over – Mike Shinoda zenei játéka

Izgalmas, kreatív zenei játékot találtam a napokban: Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park) az Already Over című dalát felvette élőben több helyszínen, több különböző, alkalmi zenekarral.