Sound Bites "concert movie"

I've been playing the guitar and singing in a local cover band called 'Sound Bites' in my hometown (Eger, Hungary) for the last 2 or 3 years. We had a cool gig on the 1st of May but the band broke up suddenly the next day. Luckily a video of the concert, recorded by my friend Krisztián Pásztor, remained as a memory.

Tamás Hajas is playing a PRS SE guitar

Is there a problem?

Watching the recordings, I remembered what Peta Lukács – a well-known and respected Hungarian guitarist – talked about in one of his (Hungarian language) live streams: even professional musicians can’t give 100% of their knowledge when playing in live shows.

While I’m just a hobby musician, not a pro, I’ve been on stage much more than an average person (not just as a musician). I wasn’t too nervous at this concert either. In fact, I really felt good! In addition, we performed such songs that we know well, and that have been on our show for a long time.

Despite all the above, countless small mistakes happened! Many little things that I did not expect at all: e.g. I forgot the lyrics of the song “Balatoni nyár”. Despite the fact that I’ve already been singing this song listening to the original performer (the Hungarian band: KFT) when I was a teenager!

Or just at “Volvo” (also a song by KFT) – which was the first thing we learned when I joined the band – I simply forgot (??!) that my guitar solo was coming next! I caught it at the second to last moment, so there was no interruption. But e.g. I didn’t have time to turn on the carefully crafted tone (and volume increase).

No problem!

Fortunately, the above (and other things not mentioned here) are minor. Even with these, the gig went well! So I’m happy to share the Sound Bites “concert movie”!

All but one track we played are from well or less-known Hungarian bands or singers so You most likely do not know them (maybe even if you are Hungarian)! We’ve also made minor or major changes compared to the originals (thanks to the composers and original performers, by the way!). Here is the tracklist:

Thanks to GV Sound – Light Technique for the sound and to Krisztián Pásztor for video recording!


#Leisure Guitar #music #concert #gig #guitar #video #YouTube

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Sound Bites „koncertfilm”

Az elmúlt két-három évben a feldolgozásokat játszó, egri Sound Bites-ban gitároztam és énekeltem, akikkel május elsején léptünk fel Tiszaújvárosban. A banda másnap hirtelen feloszlott. De emlékbe megmaradt a koncertről egy videó, amit Pásztor Krisztián barátom készített.