
All posts tagged with: Vue.js

Vue.js for beginners: add a cart content component to the demo app of Vue Mastery

2020. Jun. 29. · 6 min read
One learns the basics of Vue.js by building a product page in the great (and free) introductory course of Vue Mastery. The demo app includes typical web-shop features, like variations, availability, reviews, etc. It lacks a cart content display however. So I thought it would be great to create a component for that as an exercise in what has been learned by the course.

Hello Gridsome!

2020. Jun. 19. · 2 min read
I switched to Gridsome. Now my blog is cleaner, more accessible, more performant and it's better to manage it. Thanks to all who made this possible!

Lessons learned building a site with Gridsome

2020. Jan. 30. · 4 min read
Gridsome has nice documentation and it is easy to start using it. But I experienced some things which were not obvious to me or I feel good to emphasize. So I thought it worth to share them.

JavaScript is Coming to Eat You

2019. Nov. 21. · 1 min read
I’ve just watched the video of Tim Broeker’s excellent talk from BADCamp 2019. And I think everyone who creates classic Drupal sites should see it!